Piano Solo Sheet Music for Easter (Resurrection Day) and Good Friday

Posted by Lily Topolski Music on Feb 2nd 2023

Piano Solo Sheet Music for Easter (Resurrection Day) and Good Friday

We are quickly approaching the season of celebrating our Lord's death and resurrection, which brought us forgiveness and new life in Christ. Some of the most profound and best-loved hymns are amazing songs to help us in celebrating this day!

For pianists looking for piano solo sheet music that they can play for a prelude or offertory at their church, we have linked some of our available Good Friday and Easter themed piano solos below (also at the top of this page), along with their levels.

  1. At the Cross (Intermediate)
  2. Amazing Grace (Elementary; FREE)
  3. Amazing Grace / Grace Greater than Our Sin (Late Intermediate; FREE)
  4. Christ Arose (Advanced)
  5. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Late Intermediate; FREE)
  6. The Old Rugged Cross (Intermediate; FREE)
  7. There Is a Fountain (Late Intermediate; FREE)
  8. I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Intermediate)
  9. I Surrender All (Late Intermediate)
  10. I Will Sing of My Redeemer (Advanced)
  11. Jesus Paid It All (Intermediate)
  12. Jesus Paid It All / I Stand Amazed / Nothing but the Blood (Late Intermediate)
  13. Near the Cross (Late Intermediate)
  14. O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (Advanced)
  15. Since I Have Been Redeemed (Intermediate)
  16. The Love of God (Advanced)
  17. Were You There? (Early Advanced)
  18. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross / The Old Rugged Cross (Late Intermediate)

We hope that this music is a blessing to you in this season and that it encourages those who listen!

This list is only a selection of the songs available that may fit well into a Good Friday or Easter theme. For more sheet music, you can visit our sheet music page here, where you will find sheet music for all seasons in all levels. Much of the sheet music is $2.50 a piece, but when you purchase 8 or more songs you can get them for only $1.00 each. There are also many FREE pieces available here.

Thank you for reading! Blessings to you and Happy Resurrection Day!

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