Piano Solo Sheet Music for Palm Sunday

Posted by Lily Topolski Music on Mar 4th 2023

Piano Solo Sheet Music for Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday, this year on April 2, we remember the triumphal entry and praise the King of kings!

If you're searching for piano solo sheet music that works well in a Palm Sunday setting, below are some pieces we offer that fit the theme of praise.

  1. All Creatures of Our God and King (Intermediate)
  2. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (Intermediate and Elementary)
  3. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Intermediate)
  4. I Will Sing of My Redeemer (Advanced)
  5. Praise Him! Praise Him! (Advanced)
  6. Rejoice, the Lord Is King (Intermediate)

To find other sheet music, all of our sheet music is available here. We have many FREE pieces available. For those songs that are $2.50 each, when you buy 8 or more you can get them for just $1.00 each.

We hope this sheet music is a blessing to you and many others this Palm Sunday!

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